Smiling women staring at a screen

Benefits by Industry

Benefits available to your employees can change depending on your organisation's tax status - we'll help you put together a tailored solution suited to you

group of people around a work table discussing ideas with documents in hand

The benefits you choose are made available to your employees

The ATO allows a wide range of salary packaging benefits. The benefits available to your employees will depend on your organisation's tax status and the benefits you choose.

Select your industry to see the benefits you can choose from

  • Group of corporate employees in an event clapping


    By offering a range of salary packaging benefits, we help corporate employees increase their take-home pay.

  • 2 women sitting together and one of them showing something to the other on her tablet


    Government organisations could choose to salary package to help maximise their employees take-home pay.

  • a healthcare worker driving a car


    We're here to offer healthcare employers and their employees a range of salary packaging benefits that could save them thousands.

  • aged care worker looking at an old man and smiling

    Not-for-profit, Disability and Aged Care

    Not-for-profit / aged-care organisations and their employees could enjoy a generous range of salary packaging benefits.

  • a student and her teacher are looking at each other and smiling

    Public Education

    With salary packaging, public schools and the Department of Education could help employees save on tax and increase take-home pay.

  • a teacher in a class of private school

    Private Education

    Smartsalary make it easy for private schools and their staff to salary package.

Talk to an expert about setting up a salary packaging program.